API Documentation


class cleanfreak.CleanFreak(context=None, cfg_root=None)

CleanFreak collects and runs Checker check() and fix() methods based on the config file in your configuration root directory. Configuration root is looked up in the following order.

  • Parameter cfg_root passed to CleanFreak on instantiation
  • Environment variable CLEANFREAK_CFG
  • ~/cleanfreak

If the directory does not exist the default config in cleanfreak/conf is copied to the directory. Providing you with a default configuration to extend. The configuration root directory is then added to your pythonpath allowing you to load python modules from there. This is the best place to keep a module containing Checker objects.

Parameters:cfg_root – Optional configuration root directory.

Returns a Grade with data based on the number of successful checks.


Returns a list suite names.


Executes check() for each Checker in the current suite. Emits three Message s.

  • StartChecker is emitted prior to running checks.
  • OnCheck is emitted after each check with the checker and a
  • grade objects.
  • FinishChecker is emitted after all checks are completed

with the final grade object.


Executes fix() for each Checker in the current suite. Emits three Message s.

  • StartChecker is emitted prior to running checks.
  • OnFix is emitted after each check with the checker and a
  • grade objects.
  • FinishChecker is emitted after all checks are completed

with the final grade object.


Sets the suite to the specified value. Collects all checkers listed in the suites configuration. Raises a KeyError if the squite is not in your configuration.

Parameters:suite – The key of your suite in config[‘SUITES’]

Shows a PySide UI to control the app. Parenting of the UI is handled by different subclasses of UI. You can set the context using the “CONTEXT” key of your configuration.


Returns the number of successful checks.


class cleanfreak.Checker

Abstract Base Class for all Checkers. You must override the following attributes and methods:

Attr full_name:The full name of the Checker
Attr description:
 A description of the issue the Checker checks
Meth setup:Runs prior to any checking should include any necessary

including imports, and attribute defaults :meth check: Checks for the described issue :meth fix: Recipe to fix the described issue if check does not pass


Do your scene check here including any relevant imports Return (True, message) if check passes Return (False, message) if check fails

nodes = cmds.ls(type='mesh')
for node in nodes:
    if not has_uvs(node):

if self.no_uvs:
    return False, self.fail_msg.format(self.no_uvs)

return True, self.passed_msg

Attempt to fix the issue check found.

if self.passed:

for node in self.no_uvs:

return True, self.msg

Select the objects in Checker.selection that caused a failure.

import pymel.core as pm pm.select(self.selection)

OPTIONAL METHOD: Called prior to running Checker’s check method. Includes any relevant default values for attributes. Override if your checker requires some sort of setup.

import maya.cmds as cmds
self.no_uvs = []